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Client Gift Expenses and their Tax Deductibility

Questions around gifts often come up when you want to celebrate special milestones in your relationships with valued customers. Or at Christmas time when you are planning events, thinking about ways to say thanks and spread some festive cheer with clients....

December 11, 2023

What’s the difference between employees and contractors?

Does your business use both employees and contractors? It's important to distinguish between them as they are paid and taxed differently....

September 26, 2023

NZ Road Transport Price Hike

Costs for NZ road transport businesses have risen almost four times higher than inflation in the last quarter, according to the latest Grant Thornton Cost Index....

December 13, 2022

Beware of cyber scams

Digital tools can help your business become more efficient, save time, and win new customers, but there are also dangers to watch out for. Cyber-attacks and con artists could target any small business in New Zealand.Here are the latest risks:...

December 2, 2022

GST Invoicing changes are coming!

On 30 August 2022, the IRD have changed their interest rates on overpaid (credit interest) and underpaid (debit interest). This is often called “use of money interest’ or UOMI. Rates are reviewed regularly to ensure they align with market interest rates.Current rates are now:Debit interest 7.96%Credit interest 1.22%...

August 30, 2022 Posts 1-5 of 5 | Page